I Lost My Job and I Liked it – Lilou Mace

I Lost My Job and I Liked it – Lilou Mace

Lilou has lost her job. The time has come to test her beliefs to the limit: at a time of global crisis can she use the Law of Attraction to find her dream job, and thereby ’empower millions’ to do likewise?

This is her 30-day stream-of-consciousness diary, from the moment she was lost her job. Travel with her as she grapples with doubt, relishes avocados and finds something to be grateful for in each and every step of her job search. Deploying a battery of mood-shifting, life-enhancing, and possibly reality-changing techniques, she attempts to prove to herself – and to you! – that a juicier way of living is possible.

While 30-something Lilou would probably get on with the fictional Bridget Jones, her real-life diary is a very different thing. Humble, moving, funny and perceptive, it demonstrates the style of leadership she believes the world desperately needs. Read it, and, most importantly, try it out!