Author: admin xxx

  Between 1993 and 2000, a series of groundbreaking experiments revealed dramatic evidence of a web of energy that connects everything in our lives and our world—the Divine Matrix. From the healing of our bodies, to the success of our careers, relationships, and the peace between nations,...

  Could our deepest hurts reveal the key to a powerful form of prayer that was lost 17 centuries ago? What can we learn today from the great secret of our most cherished traditions? “There are beautiful and wild forces within us.” With these words, the mystic St....

  What would it mean to discover that everything from the DNA of life, to the future of our world, is based upon a simple Reality Code—one that we can change and upgrade by choice? New revelations in physics and biology suggest that we’re about to...

  KLIKKIDES siia saad tellida raamatu Amazonist - Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon Becoming Supernatural marries the some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how people like you and me can experience a more mystical life. Readers will learn...

  Is it possible to heal by thought alone—without drugs or surgery? The truth is that it happens more often than you might expect! Throughout history up until present, many cultures have traditionally experienced the effects of verifiable healings, along with hexes, curses, witchcraft, voodoo, and other...

Kuidas vabaneda harjumusest jääda iseendaks Teie elu ei juhi ainult geenid ja ettemääratud saatus. Uue teaduse kohaselt on inimestel olemas vägi luua enda valitud reaalsus. Raamatus „Kuidas vabaneda harjumusest jääda iseendaks” ühendab tunnustatud autor, lektor, uurija ja kiropraktik dr Joe Dispenza kvantfüüsika, neuroteaduse, ajukeemia, bioloogia ja...

  Ever wonder why you repeat the same negative thoughts in your head? Why you keep coming back for more from hurtful family members, friends, or significant others? Why you keep falling into the same detrimental habits or limiting attitudes—even when you know that they are...

Keeris. Suhted ja külgetõmbeseadus Abrahami õpetustel põhinev raamat Esther ja Jerry Hicksilt aitab mõista kõiki teie praeguseid ja kunagi kogetud suhteid. See raamat toob päevavalgele ebameeldivate suhete keskmeks olevad müüdid ja juhatab teid selge arusaamani sellest, et võimas ja loov keeris kogub kokku just sellised suhted,...

  This leading-edge book by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present the teachings of the Non-Physical entity Abraham, will help you understand the emotions that you’ve been experiencing all of your life. Instead of the out-of-control, knee-jerk reactions that most people have to their ever-changing life experience, this work will put those...

Raha ja külgetõmbeseadus Paljud inimesed on vaadanud filmi või lugenud raamatut „Saladus” ning tänu sellele usuvad, et tarvitseb vaid universumilt küsida ükskõik millist materiaalset hüve, kui külgetõmbeseadus toimetab selle otsemaid pärale. Loomulikult pole see nii lihtne. Kui soovid end ümbritsevat maailma muuta, on vaja esmalt muuta...